Saturday, August 8, 2009

Color testing and technique.

Watch video below.

Today we concentrated on technique and color testing. We really need our large blocks to be convincing and to get the viewer to forget about the bricks. I think we have done it at this point and I also think we have come up with the colors we are going to use. Now we have to work on the colors of the window arches and see what we come up with. All color needs to be decided today so we have time to order them. We did a 16 hour day yesterday so we are dragging a bit today but pushing thru it. Already we have surpassed all of our goals for the day and we are pretty much still ahead of the game. Hope you are enjoying this process and please stay tuned. 6 MORE DAYS until we start!

1 comment:

  1. Pat
    This is going to be so cool I will be sure to follow you on this one. Glad to see you started a blog
